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/********************************************* * Pause Keywords With No Impressions All Time * Version 1.1 * Changelog v1.1 * - Updated for speed and added comments * Created By: Russ Savage * **********************************************/ var TO_NOTIFY = ""; function main() { // Let's start by getting all of the keywords with no impressions var kwIter = AdWordsApp.keywords() .withCondition("Impressions = 0") // could be "Clicks = 0" also .forDateRange("ALL_TIME") // could use a specific date range like "20130101","20131231" .withCondition("Status = ENABLED") .withCondition("CampaignStatus = ENABLED") .withCondition("AdGroupStatus = ENABLED") .get(); // It is much faster to store all the keywords you want to process // and then make the changes all at once. This takes advantage // of the batch processing behind the scenes. var toPause = []; while (kwIter.hasNext()) { var kw =; toPause.push(kw); // This is to make sure you see things during the preview // When you run it for real, you can remove this clause to // increase speed. if(AdWordsApp.getExecutionInfo().isPreview() && AdWordsApp.getExecutionInfo().getRemainingTime() < 10) { break; } } // Now go through each one and pause them. for(var i in toPause) { toPause[i].pause(); //Or you could use toPause[i].remove(); to delete the keyword altogether } // Sent an email to notify you of the changes MailApp.sendEmail(TO_NOTIFY, "AdWords Script Paused "+toPause.length+" Keywords.", "Your AdWords Script paused "+toPause.length+" keywords."); }
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